Digital Economy

Digital Metrology for Digital Health

Digital health is transforming the healthcare sector and our lives. What role can metrologists - and policymakers - play in meeting our digital future? .

Digital Transformation in Legal Metrology- OIML

The International Organisation of Legal Metrology(OIML) and PTB organised a webinar of Digital Transformation in Legal Metrology on 5 May 2021.  More information can be found here.

BIPM Workshop : The SI in FAIR Digital Data

The International Organisation of Legal Metrology(OIML) and PTB organised a webinar of Digital Transformation in Legal Metrology on 5 May 2021.  More information can be found here.

These pages are being populated with Case Studies and/or links to external resources on how measurement is addressing challenges in each of these areas. Thank you for your patience and assistance as we build this content.